Saturday, January 24, 2015

Crystal Grids

I love to compose crystal grids-it's one of my favorite past times. Look at this prosperity and abundance grid that I've made which is mostly composed of these tumbled stones:

1. Rose quartz
2. Tigers eye
3. Quartz crystal points
4. Aventurine
5. Jasper
6. Amethyst (the large purple cathedral stone)
7. And many other tumble stones (of my liking)
8. An activator Quartz Crystal
9. Clean surface area (smudge the area) with
 White oak Sage


  • Gather your stones making sure their stones for prosperity and abundance. 
Prosperity and Abundance Grid Activated #1

Hold them in your hand to feel their vibrations, making sure that they resonate with you. 

  • Over stand that all stones require cleaning before composing your prosperity grid i. e. water, the moon, smudging (with sage), or the Sun for as long as you deem so. Double click on Picture for closer view.

  • Now it's time to write down on a small piece of paper your affirmation albeit a statement or be as specific as you like, a list of what you want and desire place this piece of paper underneath your larger stone inconspicuously. 

Your affirmations should be specific and identifiable to you-keep them short but spiritually true. 

  • FINALLY, position the stones in a balanced way on a smooth surface of your choice in a place where the stones won't be disturbed by others-making sure no one touch the stones-only you because you only want your vibrations on the stones-if others touch your grid-you'll have to start all over again. 

Remember, if you chose to position 5 tiger-eye stones on one side be assured to position five tiger-eyes on the other side.Notice on my grid how I've demonstrated this idea. 

  • To activate your prosperity and abundance grid you can add candles or small tea lights in any color of choice. Light the candles beginning from the center outward, clock wise. Remember to move slowly as you make your round lighting the candles. Snuff the candle flame out or fan the the candle flames out, never blow the candle flameout if you want to experience the manifestation of your desires.

Also, you'll need an medium sized activator Quartz Crystal, it will help activate your grid and affirmation.

  • Ascend over the grid, holding the quartz crystal in one hand and the small piece of paper with your affirmation on it, in the other hand, and then while saying your affirmation using the quartz crystal in the other hand circling around your grid clockwise

  • When finish with your recitation, with the quartz crystal in one hand circle counter-clockwise around the prosperity and abundance grid and then motion up and out of the grid-now it's set. 

Remember, try to go through the steps of affirming your prosperity and abundance every day or at least until you see some manifestation

  • How long should the grid stay up is entirely your preference but- remember to clean the stones before using them for other grids et cetra.

Prosperity and Abundance Activated Grid #2

If you require more detail, you can find it on the YouTube...leave me a comment with any questions that you may have...Scorpio Queen